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5G Trials to be conducted by Reliance Jio

Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Jio wants to start 5G mobile network trials in India.They have sought the government permission to undertake the 5G network trials in India using their own manufactured equipment & technology.They have been emerged as a first company to run 5G trials based on their self-technology.They have submitted an application for the same to Indian Government.The launch of 5G-enabled technologies is expected to be transformative in telecommunication and other industries by unlocking various new technologies.Global investment in the 5G industrial chain over 2020-2035 is likely to reach $3.5 trillion.

During a recent event between India Inc captains and US President Donald Trump, Reliance Industries' Chairman Mukesh Ambani was asked a question about his 5G plans. "Are you going to do 5G too?," Trump asked Ambani to which he replied, "We're going to do 5G. We are the only network in the world that doesn't have a single Chinese component."

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